Compare Ohio Electricity and Natural Gas Rates Apples to Apples and Save

Shop for the Best Natural Gas and Electricity Rates for Your Home.

Enter Your Zip Code to Shop for Ohio Natural Gas Rates

How to Shop For The Lowest Ohio Utility Rates:

In Ohio you can shop, compare and buy your electricity and natural gas service.

Just like mobile phones, cable, satellite, insurance and many other services. Energy Choice allows you to compare offers from energy providers certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) The switch is seamless, with NO Interruption in your service. Nothing changes, you get the same bill from your local electricity or natural gas utility provider.

The only difference is the price you pay.

Choose Your Energy Type

Decide what to shop for first, Ohio natural gas or Ohio electricity.

Enter Your Zipcode

Simply enter your zipcode, and select your local utility to find the latest plans and rates for your area.

Pick A Plan

Browse from among the best plans and energy providers in Ohio.

Enter Your Utility Provider Account Number

Don't have it handy? - Don't worry!

Start Saving

Duis euismod enim, facilisis risus tellus pharetra lectus diam neque. Nec ultrices mi faucibus est. Magna ullamcorper potenti elementum.

Ohio energy choice

Save In Minutes

Save on Your Electrcity and Natural Gas Bills. It just takes a few minutes to switch!

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Lower Rates, Usage Alerts, Programable Thermostats, and More.

Seamless Switch

No Service Interruption. It just takes a few minutes to switch!


Unhappy with your Electricity or Natural Gas Rate or Current Supplier? Switch and Save.